Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to get started?
Just a GitHub account and an IDE. Refer to the README for simple start up instructions. Since we utilize a client-side database (IndexedDB), any login information will be stored on the client-side browser, eliminating the need to create a server-side database to store login credientials.
How does dbHive help developers?
The intention with the development of this tool is to provide various metrics about queries and database performance. The visualization of this data over time will help developers make informed decisions to optimize their database performance. By creating a tool that is easily customizable and is capable of monitoring numerous databases, developers can utilize their time more efficiently.
Is there any documentation and support?
Absolutely! You will find a README with information about the various metrics, how to get started, and how to contribute to the code. You can always reach out to the developers who are listed on the About Us page.
How can I contribute to dbHive?
We are always excited to have developers contribute and add to dbHive. The project is located in GitHub and all code changes happen through pull requests. Please read our Contribution Guide for more information.
What is the pricing to use this tool?
This tool was developed under the tech accelerator OSLabs, and is an open-source tool. Our hope is that developers continue to add to it and make it their own!